New WinField United Foliar Product Delivers Three Micronutrients in One Application


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Jun 21, 2023

New WinField United Foliar Product Delivers Three Micronutrients in One Application

On average, nearly 70% of corn crops are deficient in three vital micronutrients: zinc, manganese and boron according to WinField United tissue sampling research. These micronutrients play a role in

On average, nearly 70% of corn crops are deficient in three vital micronutrients: zinc, manganese and boron according to WinField United tissue sampling research. These micronutrients play a role in everything from leaf growth to disease resistance and are all essential to maximizing crop performance.

Next season, growers will be able to give their deficient crops a more powerful micronutrient boost. MAX-IN Ultra ZMB Plus, a new foliar micronutrient from WinField United, combines a high-load blend of zinc, manganese and boron into one convenient and effective product.

“Zinc, manganese and boron are the most common micronutrient deficiencies in many crops, including corn and soybeans, and a deficiency in just one can impact yield potential,” said Jon Zuk, crop protection product manager with WinField United. “Now, with a single application of MAX-IN Ultra ZMB Plus micronutrient, farmers can meet a majority of in-season crop demands.”

A decade (2012 – 2022) of WinField United NutriSolutions tissue sampling data from across the country shows the opportunity to optimize yield potential in corn using an in-season micronutrient application. The three key findings included:

“The ability to make a late-season application of boron using MAX-IN Ultra ZMB Plus can unlock additional benefits in corn,” Zuk said. “That’s because boron helps pollen viability when the pollen grains germinate and grow down the silk of the corn with peak accumulation of boron occurring immediately prior to pollination. Also, it plays a critical role during the grain fill period, helping to retain and fill more kernels on the ear.”

MAX-IN Ultra ZMB Plus contains CornSorb technology to increase the uptake into the leaf and movement of micronutrients by 20-50% in the leaf cuticle and into internal structures.

Before making a late-season micronutrient application, Zuk recommends tissue sampling and analysis using the NutriSolutions 360 program at key growth stages to help pinpoint nutrient deficiencies and identify exactly what crops need before yield potential is reduced.

MAX-IN Ultra ZMB micronutrient can be applied any time in corn and soybeans, mixes easily and is compatible with other plant nutrients and most crop protection products. This includes likely herbicide tank-mix partners such as Enlist, dicamba and glyphosate-based herbicides and many fungicides, making it ideal for early- and late-season HIF applications.

For improved operational flexibility, MAX-IN Ultra ZMB Plus offers long-term shelf-life stability and minimal transportation requirements thanks to its non-corrosive classification. It can be also stored over winter with no minimum storage temperature.

WinField United provides farmers with agriculture solutions, products, and services to help them make the right decisions from planning through harvest. See all author stories here.

78.7% of corn plants are deficient in zinc.165.5% of corn plants are deficient in manganese.167% of corn plants are deficient in boron.1